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usQuick Info

Nickname: lizy707

Location: Decatur (Georgia), USA

Zodiac: Virgo

SHOEs: Running shoes
Shoe size 7

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Member since: Apr 15 14
Last login: Nov 16 16
About me
I am:
a little bit of everything, Out, occasional smoker

Means of transport:
car, public transportation, feet


My Interests:
Adventure, Astrology, Computer, Computer Games, Dining out, Discussions, Card Games, Movies, Cooking, Art, Reading, Music, Travel, Theater, Animals, Biking, Martial arts, Swimming, Dancing, Tennis

About me:
I'm 22 years old, sweet, mature, intelligent, blunt, cute, introvert, androgynous. I am clumsy, with a slight elegant grace in my movements projecting a hint of sexiness. Mwuhahaha fall victim to awkwardly graceful sexiness!!! I'm also silly/random~

This is what I like:
I like books, novels, writing, different styles of self-identity/dress, like to research topics of my interest or out of my interest, making up theories, drink tea, coffee, I like cats/dogs, animals, the colors black, red, silver/grey, white, purple, certain shades of blue, green, brown, etc. Hmm what else I like meowing, being cat-like, smells, sensations, music. Message me to know more.

This is what I don't like:
Liars, neon colors, it hurts my eyes O.O), being ordered around(there are a nice way to ask someone to do something these days), being rudely interrupted.

Flirt Status
Green: You and me babe... how about it...?

What if...?
  • If you could have a date with a famous lesbian person who would it be and why?
    Amanda Seyfield, she's cute, sexy, and I'd love to get to know her.
  • If you were to belong to a TV family, which one would you like to belong to? Why?
    7th heaven b/c sams hot and I'd want to get with her~
  • What does a perfect weekend look like for you?
    Friday: me time Saturday: chill with friends and stuff sunday: sleep or go out drinking/stay home drinking
  • What gets you up the walls?
    You mean Pissed?? People who joke to much and expect a laugh and don't know when to stop
  • What does your flat / appartment look like? Please describe.
  • What do you dream of in life?
    Being free, living life to the fullest
  • What makes you laugh?
    A lot of things :) simple things I'm easy to amuse
  • When was the last time you cried?
    years ago
  • If you were going to a deserted island, which three things or persons would you take? Why?
    3 things: another pocket knife, pocket knife, and a book on survival. People: my 2 besties.
  • Which book have you read more than 1 times and why?
    Cut by Patricia McCormick. B/c It's one of the first books on self injury I've fallen in love with.
  • Which famous person would you like to be for just one day?
    Kristen Stewart!!! <3
  • If you could go back one day in your life and re-live it, which day would you choose and why?
    No days
  • What is the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to you?
    tripping in school over nothing like air not even my own two feet
  • If you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed, what would you do?
    zip it up
  • Where was the most horrible place you have ever had to spend the night?
    creepy dark room at my friends place
  • If you were going to get stuck in an elevator, who would you hate to be stuck with? Why?
    One of my besties, b/c it would be fun climbing up the celing to escape!!!
  • If you ever had to chance to be invisible for one day what would you do?
    See how people I know react when i leave the room
  • What if your cell phone fell in the toilet, what would you do?
    Ugh fish it out and get it replaced, hopefullly i can save my SD card.
  • What item or which person would you explain to an alien?
    a breif description of how the world works now and the internet
  • Which song makes you go into a screaming fit?
  • What is your favourite food?
    veggies, fruits, and Dessert
  • If you were to have a date with your dream woman and she gobbles her food down, what would you do?
    Watch her with a smile and wipe her face, then lean over and whisper your so cute gobblin down your food like that~ Nibble her lip
  • What would you do with a piece of paper?
    Hmm write/draw/sketch on it
  • How old were you at your first kiss and who or what *lol* did you kiss?
    Hmm in kindergarden and boy in my class
  • What annoys you the most about lesbians?
    Hmm nothing so far
  • Have you ever been dragged out the ladies toilet again because someone thought you were a man?
    I've been looked at in a shocked way but not dragged out the toilet
  • How did you end up in the SHOE community and Whaddayathink?
    From a friend of mine i believe. I LOVE it here!!!
  • And finally... What are you REALLY supposed to be doing now?

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